February 6, 2008

Speaking of the magic of writing...

February 6, 2008
Some writers are really good planners. They research, plan, plot, make character reference sheets, and compose detailed outlines of their story. I, on the other hand, am more the I'll-know-what-it's-about-when-I'm-done kind of writer. Well, yesterday on my lunch hour I was thinking I would write a sort of diary entry by the main character of a story I've been thinking about for a couple years. When I picked up my pencil, I had an urge to write instead from a secondary character's perspective. When I was done, I suddenly realized that this character should actually be the viewpoint character, with their story as the main plot. How cool is that? I love it when totally unplanned things happen and change everything for the better!


Den said...

Glad to hear that things are working out for you. I'm inspired but have yet to work out what a good time would be for regular writing. Trollope wrote three hours a morning before going to work and thought that such was all a writer really needed. His body of works is rather large, but so is his commitment from my perspective.

Ink Flinger said...

3 hours?!?! I'm lucky to grab 20 or 30 minutes for morning pages and another 20 minutes on my lunch hour.

Den said...

One doesn't get to be, "one of the most successful, prolific and respected English novelists of the Victorian era." without a little hard work. I'm told that he rarely went to films.

Ink Flinger said...

I don't go to films. If that's all it took, I should have been able to quit my day job.

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