February 26, 2008

I've been tagged!

February 26, 2008
I've never been tagged before! (And it's not because I'm a fast runner.)

Serenity tagged me; my mission is as follows:
  • Pick up the nearest book (of at least 123 pages)
  • Open the book to page 123
  • Find the fifth sentence
  • Post the next three sentences.
  • Tag five people.

OK, here goes. The nearest books to my computer are in the kid's school library basket (as opposed to the county library basket--sometimes we even manage to keep them separate!). This doesn't bother me at all because I still secretly (OK, openly) read middle grade/YA fiction. This also happens to be where a lot of my own fiction ideas would probably fall if sorted by the publishing world's magic marketing eight ball.

The top book is Ella Enchanted, a Newbery Honor Book by Gail Carson Levine, a funny and worthy selection that I happen to have read.

The fourth and fifth sentences (for context, as Serenity says) are:
This had to be Lucinda. There was every sign of it.

The next three sentences:
She had probably bestowed a gift on the newlyweds that was as gladly received as mine had been.

"Lady..." I called, my heart pounding.

She didn't hear me.

I'm hoping that these lines do not hold secret meaning for me as Serenity's sentences did for her. If so, I sense doom, sarcasm, and failure. Oh well.

In any case, I tag Amy, Dennis, Andrea, Trish, and Tom.


Den said...

I've done. Though I don't know five other bloggers whom you haven't tagged or been tagged by. Also, I couldn't figure out the html to clever link mine in the comment as you did, so http://dennsmusings.blogspot.com/2008/02/tag-im-it.html

Serenity said...

It's so lovely of you to have played, Matt. And I love the book that was near you. Simply delightful.

Anonymous said...

that was fun.

cialis said...

In principle, a good happen, support the views of the author

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