July 25, 2008


July 25, 2008
Well, we didn't get twenty inches of rain like south Texas, but we have gotten enough in the last few days that dams on ponds and lakes are in danger, basements are flooding, and roads are closed all over northeast Missouri. One of the little towns I pass through on my way to work appeared to be on a hill in a large lake. When I reached Kirksville, the highway patrol had a roadblock setup and sent me back down the road to find another way into town due to flood fears.

I would say I have about a 50-50 shot of being able to get home from work tonight. Ugh.


steve s said...
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steve s said...

Well, I think your previous post is applicable here. And I say again: some days are just like that... and part of Bob's comment applies here again too!

Ink Flinger said...

Hah--too true, Steve!

steve s said...

So have you made it home yet???

steve s said...

Must be quite a flood...

Ink Flinger said...

Well, I made it home, but there was an article in the Edina Sentinel that the police (or sheriff) were chasing a suspect in some kind of crime and lost him in the flood. They found his truck submerged. The suspect hasn't been found yet.

steve s said...

HMMM... So WHAT are you driving now-a-days? ;)

Ink Flinger said...

Well, the boat's not done yet, so...

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