October 13, 2007

Praying in Ink

October 13, 2007
In her book, Eat, Pray, Love: One Woman's Search for Everything Across Italy, India and Indonesia, Elizabeth Gilbert writes about talking to God by writing a dialogue in her notebook. I think my journal is a little like that. It is filled with entries that begin in despair and end in exultation, entries that begin in confusion and end in clarity. Amy says I should gather them all together and write a book!

Is this my talking with God? I would be uncomfortable putting a "Thus saith the Lord" on anything that comes out of my pen, but it does seem to be a key way of finding peace for me. It forces me to slow my thoughts with the physical rhythm of my pen and focus them with the words on the page. It is a way to be still and know, a way to quiet the clamor so I can listen, a way to clear the clutter so I can see and understand.

So these words become my prayer. This page becomes my cathedral. Here I am in the middle of it, naked and quiet, listening for a still, small voice in the scratching of my pen.


Den said...

Did your family all leave? Because it seems it would be a bit uncomfortable to come in and find you writing in the nude.

Bob said...

I know what you mean about writing and praying, Matt. I've been trying to develop my times of Lectio and I am finding that writing the words as they come to mind does just what you say: it does seem to be a key way of finding peace for me. It forces me to slow my thoughts with the physical rhythm of my pen and focus them with the words on the page. It is a way to be still and know, a way to quiet the clamor so I can listen, a way to clear the clutter so I can see and understand.

Of course, I'll never say it as beautifully as you do.

Ink Flinger said...

Dennis--Didn't I tell you? We're naturists now. Bet you can't wait for us to visit! ;-)

Bob--I, for one, am enjoying seeing parallels in our explorations even though they may look different externally. There is an inward component that is, while not identical, similar enough to be fascinating.

Bob said...

I know what you mean. I think that's why I missed your blog presence so much. You were always saying the things and doing the things I wish I said or did.

But really, we're very different people. So much so that I think I only hear you with my inner self.

If we lived down the street from each other, I think I'd always be hanging out in your garage.

Ink Flinger said...

That would be cool. Not just the garage--I mean, I'd like to have a garage, sure, but even better would be hanging out in it. With you, I mean. :-)

Den said...

While I wholly affirm your new lifestyle choice, I would resist the description naturist to fit it. There is nothing unnatural about clothing anymore than there is about chimpanzee tool use.

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