September 23, 2007

1000 Hills Haiku

September 23, 2007
Bright, twinkling ripples
Light blown by the summer wind
Lapping autumn shores
We took the kids out to Thousand Hills State Park yesterday after hitting the Kirksville Farmer's Market and doing some shopping. It was a nearly perfect day: a light breeze was blowing, the sun shone in a cloudless, deep blue sky, and the temperature hovered around eighty degrees. The kids played on the playground while Amy looked for lizards along the edge of the trees, and we took a short walk in the woods, stopping to let the kids see the "cave" along one of the trails.

After a little more playground time, we drove down to the lake and the kids had a ball poking along the shore. Cristofer hunted for unopened mussel shells; I think he was hoping for pearls! The girls and Nick waded in to collect "seaweed" for some inexplicable purpose. It all reminded me how much I love the shore (particularly the ocean, but a lakeshore will do). The sound of the water and the sight of constantly shifting light and shadow are as close to my definition of "peaceful" as anything else I can imagine. The waves beckon, whispering of hidden coves and secret beaches, private worlds waiting to be discovered. Here at the end of the land, the imagination can sail out into the blue, bound for distant shores and exotic destinations.

I'm just a drop in the sea
Painted blue, painted green
And I move with abandon
Impossibly free
So jump into that stream
Take it down to the river
And follow the river to me


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