December 10, 2008

Little House on the Prairie

December 10, 2008
OK--if you're my wife (or anyone else who harbors strong positive feelings for the Little House on the Prairie TV series), STOP READING NOW!!!!

You have been warned.

For the rest of you, here are "10 Surprising Wholesome Values Discovered in Old Episodes of 'Little House on the Prairie.'"


Serenity said...

Oh Matt. I'd hate to have to disown you over a television show from the 70s after all we've been through. But I just might do it. I watched all those shows several times, after all, and am therefore completely for vigilante justice, questionable logic, insurance against raccoon bites, and self-amputation of anything bringin' you down. Although, in all honesty, that episode always freaked me out a little. And I'm totally kidding about disowning you. But only because you warned me.

Kathy said...

In the world of fiction, I believe they refer to this as "suspending disbelief" and I'm very good at it, Matt. So you didn't offend me a bit. Of course, they did call me Gullible Grubbsy in high school.

Ink Flinger said...

Serenity--I'm not sure why, but somehow I can imagine you as someone who might need raccoon insurance. Thanks for not disowning me!

Kathy--As a lover of fiction, I too am a big proponent of suspension of disbelief. I included the warning about my humorous link mostly to avoid getting slapped by my wife. ;-)

steve s said...

That clip was pretty intense and creepy. Probably will have nightmares now.

I think I remember another episode when Pa had a Bible verse illimuinate before his eyes. That time though it worked out to be the right thing to do. So if I can find that one maybe I'll be able to sleep well.

Serenity said...

I love a good laugh at my expense. That is SO TRUE about the raccoon insurance. I should write a blog some time about all the different insurances I could probably use.

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