November 6, 2008

If you like Blue Man Group...

November 6, 2008 might enjoy this very creative video of three high school students performing on their PVC pipe instrument!


Bob said...

So how long, exactly, before you start building one of these in your basement?

andrea t said...

that was way cool! can you tell what they were using for drum sticks?

Ink Flinger said...

Bob--Hee, hee, don't give me any ideas! I'm already building a conga like tube drum from a cardboard concrete form! Just ask my wife Amy; I tend to obsess over things, and it drives her nuts. You can never tell what will trigger it. This little percussion obsession was triggered by the movie The Visitor. Great movie, by the way!

Andrea--I'm not sure, but I thought maybe ping-pong paddles with the rounded edges cut off.

Unknown said...

Its usually leather paddles (don't ask where these come from) or flip flops. They have one of these at the magic house. Might be my favorite thing there.

Blue Man Forever WOOT!!


Ink Flinger said...

I figured you would know--thanks for the info!

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