April 13, 2008

Lost Things

April 13, 2008
I lost my bottle early on,
Followed by my wordless innocence.
Hard on the heels of this tramua,
I lost the services of those
Who bore me effortlessly
Wherever I needed to go.

I adapted, of course;
I'm nothing if not flexible.
I ate; I talked; I walked.
But it didn't end there.
I lost countless days in the
Forced pursuit of education.

It never stops, you know,
This continuous litany of loss.
Toys and friends,
Money and jobs,
Certainty and delusion
All get misplaced eventually.

There's more to come,
Or so I've heard--
Memory, eyesight, bladder control--
Until, finally, my last breath
Escapes me, and I find
I've misplaced myself.


Den said...

I enjoyed this.

Here's to retaining our bladder control for at least a few years yet.

Ink Flinger said...

I'll drink to that...but not too much. :-)

steve s said...

But if you are one of those who grows old and keeps thier mind that "forced pursuit of education" may be the only thing that is working in the end!

Last year I met the oldest person in Iowa... 109 I think. Walking and talking... road a Harley (someone else drove it) on her 100th BD!

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