November 19, 2007


November 19, 2007
Well, I managed to wreck our full-size van last Friday. Didn't even see the brake lights on my way home until it was too late to stop. Squooshed the little red car in front of me and made it plow into the car in front of it. Fortunately no one was hurt. Our van is so old, I'm guessing the front end damage will total it. It wasn't running right, so I let them tow it away. Oh well. At least when my insurance goes up, it will only be on one van.


Anonymous said...

O that stinks!

andrea t said...

So the red beast dies. Rather sad.
So very thankful no one was hurt!

Mama T said...

Sorry Matt. But a lot times good things come from things like this!


Anonymous said...

Speaking of wrecks, Matt, I just got a harrowing call from Ashley. She had a wreck at about the intersection of I-70 and Hwy 63 in Columbia. She called from inside her car, trapped. She's O.K., but she ran a red light. So we'll be helping her deal with the aftermath. By-the-way, no one was seriously hurt. Tom

Ink Flinger said...

I'm glad no one was hurt. I'm not looking forward to those kinds of calls as my kids get older!

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